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Q: How many second to travel 1 km at the speed of 100 km per hr?
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How far do you travel in 2 second at 100km?

100 km per what time? speed is not given. Assume speed = 100 km/hour Then in 2 seconds you travel: 100 km/h = 100000/3600 m/second = 1000/36 meter/second in 2 seconds you travel 2000/36 meters = 500/9 meters = 55.6 meters

What distance do you travel in 1 second at 100 kph?

There are 3600 seconds in 1 hour. You would travel 100,000m in 1 hour at that speed. 100,000 / 3600 = 27.77 You would travel almost 28 meters in 1 second.

How many feet per second does a car travel when it is moving a 100 feet per second?

If a car is moving at 100 feet per second, then it is traveling at 100 feet per second.

If your traveling 25 miles per hour how many seconds does it take to travel 100 feet?

To convert speed from miles per hour to feet per second, you need to multiply by 1.46667. So at 25 miles per hour, you are traveling at approximately 36.67 feet per second. To travel 100 feet at this speed, it would take around 2.73 seconds.

How long does it take light to travel 100 meters?

Light travels at a speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum. Therefore, it would take approximately 0.000335 seconds for light to travel 100 meters.

How many miles does light travel in 100 seconds?

The speed of light in a vacuum is 186282.397 miles per second.The distance something travels in a given time and at constant speed is given byd = s*twhere d is the distance traveled, s is the speed, and t is the time.In our case, s = 186282.397 miles per second and t= 100 seconds.d = (186282.397 miles per second)*(100 seconds) = 18628239.7 milesSo, in 100 seconds, light travels 18628239.7 miles.

What is the average speed of a spider that takes 100 seconds to travel 2 meters?

2 metres in 100 seconds = 200 centimetres in 100 seconds = 2 cm per second.

How much time is required for a bicycle to travel a distance of 100 meters at an average speed of 2 meters per second?

Time = Distance/Speed = 100/2 = 50 seconds.Time = Distance/Speed = 100/2 = 50 seconds.Time = Distance/Speed = 100/2 = 50 seconds.Time = Distance/Speed = 100/2 = 50 seconds.

How many hours to travel 1180 miles at 100 miles per hour?

Time = Distance/Speed = 1180/100 = 11.8 hours

How long does it take sound to travel 100 meters?

Sound travels at a speed of approximately 343 meters per second in air at room temperature. Therefore, it would take around 0.29 seconds for sound to travel 100 meters in these conditions.

How many min does it take to travel 100 miles at a speed of 1560 mph?

3 minutes and 51 seconds.

How many meters do you travel at 100 kilometers an hour?

That depends how long you travel at that speed. The general relation is: distance = speed x time On the other hand, to convert from kilometers to meters, just multiply by 1000.