1,740 seconds.
540 seconds
420 seconds
180 seconds.
10 Min's - 5 Min's = 5 Min's - 50 Sec's = 4 Min's 10 Sec's - 15 Sec's = 3 Min's 55 Sec's 3 Minutes and 55 Seconds. ------------------- Interesting math, but the correct answer is still 4 minutes, 25 seconds. Why did you subtract the 15 seconds instead of adding it??
3120 seconds.
175min x 60s/min = 10500s
There are 60 seconds in a minute, so multiply by 60. 5 min X 60 sec/min = 300 sec.
60 secs = 1 min 298 secs = 298 / 60 ~= 4.97 mins. (4 mins 58 seconds)
14 minutes