36525 days
5217 weeks, but with six days left over.
There are 36525 days in a century. Ignoring Leap Years: the average (mean) length of a year is 365.25 and there are one hundred years in a century.365.25 × 100 = 36525 days
There are 365.25 days in a year (with an additional day being added every four years to compensate for the decimal), and as such, there are 36525 days in 100 years.
23 days = 1,987,200 seconds.
36525 days
36525 days
I assume that this is a bad spelling of century (cannot find anything on centcorey). There are 36525 days, x24, x60 x 60 is 3115760000 seconds.
5217 weeks, but with six days left over.
There are 36525 days in a century. Ignoring Leap Years: the average (mean) length of a year is 365.25 and there are one hundred years in a century.365.25 × 100 = 36525 days
36525. You take 100 (how many years) multiplied by 365.25(how many days are in a year).
36,525 Days Length of year in days: 365.25 Length of a century in years: 100 365.25 x 100 = 36525
There are 36524 days in a regular century (like the 21st century) and 36525 days in a leap century (like the 20th century).
There are 365.25 days in a year (with an additional day being added every four years to compensate for the decimal), and as such, there are 36525 days in 100 years.
36525 365 days a year (except leap years 100 years +25 days for the leap years
36500 + 25 leap year days = 36525 days.
there is 604,800 seconds in 7 days.