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Q: How many seconds does it take the second hand of a clock to move from 6 to 10?
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Can second be measured by clock?

In many cases, there is a third hand that ticks on seconds

How many seconds does it take the second hand of a clock to move from 3 to 8?

each number on the clock represents 5 seconds, 8-3 = 5, then multiply by 5 to get 25 seconds.

How many seconds have passed when the second hand is at 4?

When the second hand is at 4 on a clock, 20 seconds have passed since the minute hand was pointing directly at the 12.

How many radians does the second hand of a clock turn through in thirty second?

The second hand of a clock completes a full revolution every 60 seconds, which is equal to 2π radians. Therefore, in 30 seconds, the second hand turns through π radians.

How many times does the second hand on a clock circle the clock in seven hours?

The second hand on the clock circles 420 times in 7 hours.

How many hands has a clock?

3. The hour hand, the minute hand, and on most clocks, the second hand.

If one minute takes the second hand a 36o degree clock wise, then how many degrees clock wise would take the second hand to complete 1 second?

1 per minute.

What is The second hand on a clock revolves at 1 revolution per minute how many degrees per second is this?

1 revolution = 360 degrees 1 revolution = 60 seconds 60 seconds = 360 degrees 60/60 = 1 360/60 = 6 1 second = 6 degrees.

How many revolutions does the second hand on a clock make?

1 per minute.

How many degrees does the second hand on a clock move in 1 minute?


How many degrees does the second hand of a clock travel in one minute?


How many seconds on college basketball shot clock?

A 45-second shot clock was introduced in the NCAA men's game in the 1985-86 season. In the 1993-94 season, the shot clock time was reduced to 35 seconds.