One hundred and fifty seconds is equal to Two minutes thirty seconds.
30 seconds is half a minute (0.5 minutes), as there are 60 seconds in a full minute.
180 seconds
210 seconds
11,130 seconds.
There are 1,860 seconds in thirty-one minutes. How you could solve this is by multiplying 60 by 31.
One hundred and fifty seconds is equal to Two minutes thirty seconds.
There are 19,800 seconds in five hours and thirty minutes. You need to do the math. All you need to do is multiply.
30 seconds is half a minute (0.5 minutes), as there are 60 seconds in a full minute.
180 seconds
Three(3) minutes are in 180 seconds. (180 divided by 60 is three)
18,000 seconds.
210 seconds
If the question means:1. How many seconds in one hour andthrity five minutes. And how many seconds in one day5700 seconds for one hour and thirty five minutes.86400 seconds in one day2. How m any hours in one day plus one hour plus thirty five minutes25(60*60) + 35(60)25 (3600) + 210090,000 + 2100 = 92,100 seconds