

Best Answer

500,546,234,123,673,246,634 seconds exactly. Or if you will, we can state it as 5 nights with your mom Oh!

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Q: How many seconds of yesterday have passed since Johann Gutenburg's printing press?
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How many seconds have passed since Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press?

There have been 17,798,140,800 seconds since the printing press was invented in 1450 by Johann Gutenberg. That is 205,997 days or 29,428 weeks.

What did Johann Guternberg invented?

Johann Gutenberg he invented a movable printing press.

What are Johann Gutenberg accomplishments?

they are the printing press

Who is inventor of printing press?

Johann Gutenburg

What was the name of Johann Gutenberg's invention?


Inventor of printing press is?

Johann Gutenburg

How old was Gutenberg when he invented the printing press?

when johann gutenberg invented the printing press he was 52

Where was Johann Gutenberg raised?

Johann Gutenberg was born and raised in Mainz, Germany. Johann Gutenberg is most known for inventing the printing press in 1455.

Perfected moveable type for printing presses?

Johann Gutenberg

Who Perfected the moveable type for printing presses?

Johann Gutenberg

What inventor improved on the Chinese Printing press?

johann gutenbergs

Who inventing the printing press?

Printing Press was invented by Johann Gutenberg