17 years = 536,467,742 seconds
That depends on whether the 17-year period includes three, four or five leap year days. The 17-year period that ended at the end of 2011 included four leap years and totaled 536,457,600 seconds. The 17-year period that began at the beginning of 2012 includes five leap years and totals 536,544,000 seconds. The 17-year period that begins January 1, 2097 includes three leap years and totals 536,371,200 seconds.
i heard there was a 17 year old who was 6'11.
17 hours 15 minutes is 62,100 seconds.
1020 seconds, if I'm not mistaken.
Average: 16-17 seconds Good: 15 seconds Great: 14 seconds Amazing:13 seconds
A 17 year old is 17 years old.
a 17 year old can work 26 hours per week
That depends on whether the 17-year period includes three, four or five leap year days. The 17-year period that ended at the end of 2011 included four leap years and totaled 536,457,600 seconds. The 17-year period that began at the beginning of 2012 includes five leap years and totals 536,544,000 seconds. The 17-year period that begins January 1, 2097 includes three leap years and totals 536,371,200 seconds.
17 years = 536,467,742 seconds
Anything between 14 and 17 seconds is good, but NO more than that! 17 is stretching it [: Im 13 and i run it in about 13-14 seconds!
If a 17 year old wants to move in with an 18 year old then the person who is 17 needs to ask their parents to move in with this friend scince the 17 year old is not an official adult
61,200 seconds.
A dog that's 17 in human years is OLD, and shouldn't be bred at all.
If the 17 year old has parental consent.
If the 17 year old has the permission of the parents.
It is okay for a 17 year old to date a 23 year old