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Q: How many seconds safe following distance?
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How many seconds is the minimum recommeded safe following distance in Georgia?


What is the reccommended safe following distance?

5 seconds

How many seconds is the recommended safe following distance for a 30 foot truck in dry conditions?


Recommended safe following distance in good conditions?

Three seconds

Is recommended safe following distance in good condition?

3 Seconds

Does the 2-second safe following rule work at any legal speed in dry weather?

Actually, 2 seconds is NOT a safe following distance. Minimum safe following distance is 5 seconds. Yes, it works at any legal speed in dry weather.

In good weather conditions the safe following distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you is at least what distance?

8 seconds

How many seconds gap between cars on a dry road?

Three seconds is considered a safe distance to follow someone at. Here in California the Highway Patrol suggests four seconds. Any time you are following someone closer than is safe for the conditions, you could get a ticket.

How many seconds is a safe driving distance at 25 mph?


Is the recommended safe following distance in good conditions?

The distance depends upon the speed. It is the distance required to result in a time interval of at least two seconds.It depends on your speed.

How much following distance a driver should keep to keep a safe following distance in an urban area?

In any driving location, it is generally agreed to be safe if you position yourself 3 seconds or more behind the vehicle in front of you.

If you're being tailgated how many seconds gap should be between you and the car ahead of you?

2 seconds is the safe distance.