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cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral.

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Q: How many segment make up the spine?
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How many bones make up a crocodile spine?


Is the spine one bone?

The Spine is made up of many smaller bones, which is what allows flexing and movement of the spine. Please see the related links for a detailed picture of the bones that make up the spine.

How many bones make up the average fetus?

the head spine

How many vertebraes make up the average human back bone?

33 vertebraes make up the spine.

What are the divisions of the back and their abbreviations?

I'm assuming you mean the spine - The highest 7 vertebrae make up the cervical spine (or C spine) = the neck The next 12 vertebrae (where your ribs attach) make up the thoracic spine (or T spine) - this can also be referred to as the dorsal spine The next 5 vertebrae down make up the lumbar spine (or L spine) = the lower back And the sacrum is the very bottom of the spine made of 5 fused vertebrae.

Where are vertebra's located?

They are the bones that make up the spine.

What bones make up your spine?

The spine is also known as the vertebrae. The vertebrae is made up of a bunch of smaller bones called vertebrates.

Which of the following spine sections make up the tailbone?


What does the skull and spine and chest make up?

Axial skeleton

Where is your vertebra located?

Your "vertebrae" is any of the segments of bone that make up the spine; therefore your vertebrae is located with your spine.

How many bone is your spine made up of?

I think that it is 7

What make up the backbone of a polynucleotide strand?

a phosphate, sugar and base