45 Sft is equal to 1 Chittakbecause:1 cottah is equal to 720 sft and1 cottah is equal to 16 chittakhence 1 chittak will be 720/16 = 45 sft
There is no unit of measurement for "gonda".
If you mean square feet, you can't convert that.
1 acre = 4,046.856 square meters .
1 acre is 4,046.9 square meters.
436.6 sft
1 (square meter) = 10.7639104 square feet
1 katha=66.9 sq. metres 1 katha=720 sft
9 sqm is of different dimension as of a feet. you cant convert square meters to feet. but if you were asking square feet then, 9 sqm = 96.88 sqft
20 to 30kg
144 sqft is 13.378 sqm
a little less then one. an acre has ~2500 sqm
1 sq m = 10.76 sq ft, so 400/10.76 = 37.17 sq m