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Q: How many shelves will Beth need to hold all 38 photo boxes?
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When would it be appropriate to use a steel shelf?

Steel shelves are extremely strong and hardy. It would be best to use steel shelves to hold heavy items such as books, large metal objects or boxes. Steel shelves are often used in libraries or in garages.

What is the antonym for shelves?

Patience thinks that it is paperweights because shelves hold stuff up while paperweights hold stuff down.

What is the maximum weight the shelves can hold?

These shelves have the capacity for holding up to 30 pounds.

Rachael has 5 shelves that can hold 8 paint cans each How many paint cans can the shelves hold in all?

40 I think...

Glass Shelves?

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How Many Shelves That Each Hold 16 Books are needed to hold a total of 112 books?

To find the answer to this question, you would do the following: 112/16 = 7 You would need 7 shelves.

How many books can fit in 5 boxes?

a box can hold 4 books. how many books can 5 boxes hold?

1 in every 12 eggs in a super market is broken The shelves hold 900 boxes Each box contains 6 eggs How many eggs are there How many are broken How many are intact?

5400 eggs, 450 are broken, and 4950 are intact.

A box can hold 5 books, how many boxes will we need for 74 boxes?


How are anchors for wall shelves rated?

In the United States anchors for wall shelves are rated in pounds. This weight is the amount that the anchor can fully hold. To be safe you should divide that value by 4 when installing shelves.

School library fit's 125 books on a shelf they buy 725 books more how many shelves will be needed to hold books?

6 shelves.

A storage room holds 263 boxes.About how many boxes does the storage room hold?

260 boxes