A cone has one side, the bottom surface, but not all cones have this surface. They may also be considered to have 'an inside' and 'an outside', which would be two sides. But as a relative of the circle, a cone has mathematically infinite sides.
The side of a cone is - not surprisingly - conical is shape. Its net is a sector of a circle.
The curved surface (or face) of the cone.
Tilt of cutting plane is between (perpendicular to axis of the cone) and (parallel to the side of the cone).
A cone has one side. (The bottom) Because the other surface is curved, it does not count as a side. It is the same concept as a sphere.
A face is a polygon. There are none on a cone. There is only one vertex at the top of the cone. Although the cone does not have a face it does have a lateral side and a base.
Circle: If the knife is perpendicular to the axis of the cone.Ellipse: If the knife is between (perpendicular to the axis of the cone) and (parallel to the side of the cone).Parabola: If the knife is between (parallel to the side of the cone) and (parallel to the axis of the cone).Hyperbola: If the knife is parallel to the axis of the cone.Triangle: If the knife is perpendicular to the base of the cone.Point: If the knife is parallel to the base the cone and through the apex
The side of a cone is - not surprisingly - conical is shape. Its net is a sector of a circle.
parasite or secondary cone
The curved surface (or face) of the cone.
If these forms are all solid, a sphere has one side and face, a cone two, and a cylinder three. If there are hollow, they have one more face than side.
a parabola
Tilt of cutting plane is between (perpendicular to axis of the cone) and (parallel to the side of the cone).
A cone has one side. (The bottom) Because the other surface is curved, it does not count as a side. It is the same concept as a sphere.
A volcanic cinder cone.