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Q: How many side does a unilateral shape have?
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Related questions

What is a unilateral circuit?

Unilateral circuits is consists of unilateral elements which allows the current flow in only one direction. It applies the electricity from one side to the other side just like an open circuit.

What means occurring on one side?

Occurring on only one side is unilateral.

What is the word for pertaining to one side?

lateral is side; unilateral is one-sided

What is the word that describes growing on one side of the stem?


What does the term unilateral means in medical?

Unilateral means one side in medical terminology, as in other contexts. So if one of your ears hurt, you'd have unilateral otalgia. If they both hurt, you'd be complaining of bilateral otalgia.

What is the prefix uni mean in unilateral?

The prefix "uni-" means one or single. In the term unilateral, it refers to something that pertains to or involving one side.

What is the prevalence of unilateral cleft lip?

A unilateral cleft lip, commonly occurring on the left side, is more common than a bilateral cleft lip.

A unilateral has how many sides?


What does unilateral mean?

Unilateral means involving or done by one side or party only, without the agreement or involvement of others. It typically implies a decision or action made independently by one individual or group.

What is The medical term meaning pertaining to the middle and side?

Lateral means pertaining to the sideLaterally.

How does unilateral cleft lip develop?

Unilateral cleft lip results from failure of the maxillary prominence on the affected side to fuse with medial nasal prominences. The result is called a persistent labial groove.

What is unilateral weakness?

A weakness of one side of the body only ie face, arm, leg.