None, because there is no such shape. The word could be a hexagon or a heptagon, or maybe you meant something else entirely. Please check and correct your spelling and resubmit.
None since a hextagon - a possible conflation of a hexagon and a heptagon - does not exist.
There is no such word as a hextagon. Similar words are hexagon or heptagon and it is not possible to say which one you mean.
It is not possible to answer the question since there is no such word as a "hextagon" and it could be a typo for hexagon or heptagon and there is no way of telling which one you meant. I suggest you check your spelling and then resubmit the question.
shapee with 6 sides:)
a realy big beast from Brutal Legend
None since a hextagon - a possible conflation of a hexagon and a heptagon - does not exist.
There is no such word as a hextagon. Similar words are hexagon or heptagon and it is not possible to say which one you mean.
It is not possible to answer the question since there is no such word as a "hextagon" and it could be a typo for hexagon or heptagon and there is no way of telling which one you meant. I suggest you check your spelling and then resubmit the question.
Both words, as well as "similarity" are incorrectly spelled: there is no such thing as a hextagon nor a petagon.
None, because there is no such thing as a conis and no shape which is called a hextagon. The word could be a hexagon or a heptagon, or maybe you meant something else entirely. Please check and correct your spelling and resubmit.
shapee with 6 sides:)
The hexagon is the base.
a realy big beast from Brutal Legend
None, because there is no such shape. The word could be a hexagon or a heptagon, or maybe you meant something else entirely. Please check and correct your spelling and resubmit.
None, because there is no such shape. The word could be a hexagon or a heptagon, or maybe you meant something else entirely. Please check and correct your spelling and resubmit.
None, because there is no such shape. The word could be a hexagon or a heptagon, or maybe you meant something else entirely. Please check and correct your spelling and resubmit.