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None, because there is no such shape. The word could be a hexagon or a heptagon, or maybe you meant something else entirely. Please check and correct your spelling and resubmit.

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Q: How many side does hextagon have?
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How many sides does a hextagon?


How many lines of symmetry can drawn on an hextagon?

None since a hextagon - a possible conflation of a hexagon and a heptagon - does not exist.

How many vertices are on a 3D hextagon?

There is no such word as a hextagon. Similar words are hexagon or heptagon and it is not possible to say which one you mean.

How many vertices does a hextagon have?

It is not possible to answer the question since there is no such word as a "hextagon" and it could be a typo for hexagon or heptagon and there is no way of telling which one you meant. I suggest you check your spelling and then resubmit the question.

Hextagon and petagon simalarty?

Both words, as well as "similarity" are incorrectly spelled: there is no such thing as a hextagon nor a petagon.

How many conis does a hextagon have?

None, because there is no such thing as a conis and no shape which is called a hextagon. The word could be a hexagon or a heptagon, or maybe you meant something else entirely. Please check and correct your spelling and resubmit.

What is hextagon?

shapee with 6 sides:)

What shape is the base of a hextagon pyramid?

The hexagon is the base.

What is a hextagon?

a realy big beast from Brutal Legend

How many sides does a hextagon have?

None, because there is no such shape. The word could be a hexagon or a heptagon, or maybe you meant something else entirely. Please check and correct your spelling and resubmit.

How many sides on a hextagon?

None, because there is no such shape. The word could be a hexagon or a heptagon, or maybe you meant something else entirely. Please check and correct your spelling and resubmit.

How many obtuse angles in a hextagon?

None, because there is no such shape. The word could be a hexagon or a heptagon, or maybe you meant something else entirely. Please check and correct your spelling and resubmit.