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An equalateral triangle has three sides.

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Q: How many side does the equalateral triangle have?
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Related questions

What is the measurement of an equalateral triangle?

An equalateral triangle doesn't have a measurement because each side just has to be the same. It can be an measurement. The triangle's degree's is always 360.

What type of triangle has three side with equal measure?

An equalateral triangle

Is a triangle equalateral or equalangular?


How many surfaces does an equalateral triangle?

An equilateral triangle has one surface.

What is the perimiter of an equalateral triangle with a side length of 33 inches?

99 inches.

How many lines of symmetry does an equalateral triangle?

It has 3

How many lines of symmetry does an equalateral triangle have?

An equilateral triangle has 3 lines of symmetry

How many lines of symmetry of a equalateral triangle?

An equilateral triangle has three lines of symmetry.

Can a triangle have three acute angles?

Yes. Many triangles can for example, an equalateral triangle

What are the Common things between a Right Triangle and an Equalateral Triangle?

Please answer the following question, " What is the difference between a Right Triangle and an Equalateral Triangle? "

How many lines of symmatry does an equalateral triangle have?

it has 3lines of symmetry

How is an equalateral triangle and a scalene triangle the same?

they aren't the same, equalateral means 60 degree angles and equal length on all sides. scalene has 3 different angles and side lengths that differ too.