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Q: How many sides are in a block?
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They are on all sides of the block.They are on all sides of the block.

How many sides are in the path Fred takes if Fred drives around the block looking for a place to park his car?

None, if they are in the path, they are not sides.

Where do you find a freeze plug on a '92 Chevy Cavalier?

It depends on what engine you have as to how many you have but they are in the sides and rear of the block.

Where are the freeze plugs on a 3400 v6 engine block?

On sides of engine block.

Where are the freeze plugs on a Ford Tempo?

On the sides of the engine block and possibly on the rear of the block.

How many half cubic inch blocks equal a 1 inch block?

You need 8 cubic blocks of sides 0.5 inches to make a 1 inch block.

How do you block access to torrent download sites?

there are many software programs on the marked to be able to block certain sides or contend on the web. some examples of these are: -Care4Teen -Child Control 2011 -KidsWatch

Do you need to seal both sides of a butcher block for proper maintenance?

Yes, it is recommended to seal both sides of a butcher block for proper maintenance to protect it from moisture and stains.

Where is freeze plug on 2002 Nissan Pathfinder?

on the sides of the block

How many freeze plugs are on a Chevy small block 400?

depends if you have a scat block or not NEW ANSWER: There is 2 in the back of the engine block. There is 1 on each side of the timing cover on the front of the engine. There is 2 on each side of the engine block just below the heads. Sometimes there are 3 on the sides of the engine block. Depends on the year.