12. Whatever number you say before '-gon' is referring to the number of sides in the shape. However, 12-gon (or 20-gon, or whatever) is not the official name of any polygon but is commonly used. the commonly used name is a do-decagon
name of a polygon with 12 sides = dodecagon
There are 18 sides
16 sides!
584 sides on a 100-Gon
poly means 'many' and gon means 'sides'
A 12-gon has 12 sides.
Dodeka. (in Greek)
the answer to this question is simple. any shape with more than 10 sides with two exceptions is the number of sides then gon. example: 12 sides= 12-gon, 13 sides=13-gon , etc.
A 16-gon. You only name polygons up to a dodecagon (12 sides), excluding the 11-gon. After that, they are named by their number of sides with the suffix "-gon". Ex: 16 sides: 16-gon.
In general an n-gon has n sides. Therefore, a 123-gon would have 123 sides.
"no" sides.
name of a polygon with 12 sides = dodecagon
Your question is wrong because it has 12 sides and 54 diagonals
There are 18 sides
16 sides!
584 sides on a 100-Gon
poly means 'many' and gon means 'sides'