AS many as it does they vary there god darn stone that get cut there all different
10 sides.
There is no formula for how many sides there are in a polygon; the name of the polygon shows how many sides it has.
heptagons have 7 sides
8 sides
An emerald cut is a gemstone cut that is rectangular with a flat top and beveled sides. It is the traditional way to cut an emerald, but it can also be used for diamonds and other gemstones.
There are many Pokemon you catch that are similar in sapphire and emerald but there are many Pokemon emerald can only get and not sapphire.
In general, there are 6 legendary Pokemons in Emerald. If you count the Event Pokemons in Emerald, then there are 12 legendary Pokemons in Emerald.
The Emerald Wand of Oz has 272 pages.
The Gachala Emerald is the uncut emerald crystal weighing 858 carats (172 g) that is at the Smithsonian.
A few
a crescent has 19 sides
how many sides does an polygonshave
10 sides.
There is no Entora cave in Pokémon Emerald. There are many caves in Pokémon Emerald such as the Altering Cave.
Imperial Life in the Emerald City has 336 pages.