There is no such word. Unfortunately, your spelling could be a typo for a hexagon, heptagon or octagon and there is no way to tell which of them you want. So please check your spelling and resubmit the question.
10 sides.
There is no formula for how many sides there are in a polygon; the name of the polygon shows how many sides it has.
heptagons have 7 sides
8 sides
Four Sides.
a crescent has 19 sides
how many sides does an polygonshave
10 sides.
There is no formula for how many sides there are in a polygon; the name of the polygon shows how many sides it has.
How many sides does a Decahedron Have
"no" sides.
Polygon means "many sides."
4 sides
How many parallel sides has a trapezium?
how many sides convex quadilaterals have
A rectangular prism has 6 sides.