Palindromes do not have a physical shape - they are series of characters (numbers, letters, etc) that can be read the same way backward and forward, such as '12321' or 'level' or 'race fast safe car'.
there are 365
it takes 24 steps to get to a palindrome from the number 89
30 palindromes.
Subtract 1
There is no palindrome for 14.
there are 365
It is called a Palindrome, if you're talking about words such as Bob, Hannah, Sis, Level and Racecar
there is no limit.
it takes 24 steps to get to a palindrome from the number 89
"Aha" is a palindrome that can be used as a preposition.
Ten times.
30 palindromes.
Subtract 1
No, it isn't a palindrome.
The palindrome is Level.