Theoretically, there are an infinite number of sides a polygon could have. It will never turn into a circle.
A polygon with 1000 sides is still a polygon but even a polygon of 100 sides gives characteristics of a circle. When demonstrating circles a polygon of 100 sides helps show the circle characteristics.
That area is were one of the sides stand at the start of each match. And, you will take it in turns to stand there (the centre position) (it is normally the colour yellow) Hope this helps
If you mean 3/4 of a circle then it is 270 degrees
180 degrees
0.75 x 360 = 270
A polygon with 1000 sides is still a polygon but even a polygon of 100 sides gives characteristics of a circle. When demonstrating circles a polygon of 100 sides helps show the circle characteristics.
The triangle has a perimeter of 3 cm. If the circle rolls along a straight line of length 3 cm without slipping, it would need to make three complete turns. The perimeter of the triangle also makes another turn (sum of external angles = 360), so the circle will need to make 4 turns in all.
no sharp turns.
That area is were one of the sides stand at the start of each match. And, you will take it in turns to stand there (the centre position) (it is normally the colour yellow) Hope this helps
The exterior angles of any polygon total 360 degrees and the E shaped polygon is a 12 sided shape that has a total of 360 degrees of exterior angles and a total of 1800 degrees of interior angles. If you were to walk around an enlarged E shaped polygon in a clockwise direction you would have to make 8 right angle turns clockwise and 4 right angle turns anti-clockwise from start to finish. So: (8-4)*90 = 360 degrees in a clockwise direction Or to put it another way if you were to enscribe a circle and then enscribed 4 arcs of 90 degrees in reverse on the same circle you would still end up with a complete circle of 360 degrees. Interior angles: 8*90+4*270 = 1800 degrees
If you mean 3/4 of a circle then it is 270 degrees
A polygon is convex if it has no two points that can be used to define a line segment that falls outside of that polygon. Another way to put it is: a convex polygon has all vertices pointing 'out'. Consider the following 6-sided polygon: _ ' | |_ |__| Well you get the idea. The 'notch' cut out of the square turns the square into a six sided figure now, with the 'corner' in the upper right pointing 'in' so the polygon is not convex.
There are 360 degrees in a circle and a revolution is when something turns in a circle. There are aslo 360 degrees around a point.
the wheel The part that turns people in a circle.
180 degrees
90 degrees
3 miles = 15,840 feet 15,840 divided by 5 = 3,168 turns.