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Q: How many sides does a tepee have?
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Related questions

Who owned a tepee?

the women own tepee

How do you spell tepee in plural?

The plural form of "tepee" is "tepees" or "teepees".

What geometric shape is a tepee?

The geometric shape of a tepee is a cone :)

Is tipi an adjective?

No. Tipi (tepee, teepee) is a noun, a conical tent. But the noun can be used as an adjunct or adjective (tepee pole, tepee hides).

What country does the word tepee come from?

the word tepee comes from the country Sioux

When was Electric Tepee created?

Electric Tepee was created on 1992-05-11.

How many buffalo skins were used to make a tepee?

18 hide

How many tipi poles do Cree use to build a tepee?

15 poles.

Is there a synonym for tipi?

The answer is tepee.

Who was the Comanche leader?


What are synonyms of tepee?

a wigwam

What are the release dates for In the Tepee's Light - 1911?

In the Tepee's Light - 1911 was released on: USA: 22 April 1911