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A Triangle Has 3 sides No Matter what.

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Q: How many sides does a trangle have?
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How many parallel lines doses a trangle have?

A triangle cannot have any parallel sides.

How many parallel sides does a right angled trangle have?

A right angle triangle has no parallel sides

What is a equilateral trangle?

A triangle that has all equal sides and angles.

What is a trangle with all the same sides the same length?


Pentagon with one pair of parallel sides?

i dont know! trangle

What is a polygons that form the sides of a prism or pyramid called?

A three sided trangle

How many set of parallel lines are in a trangle?

None because a triangle only has 3 sides of which none can be parallel to each other

How many sides would you find on a right angled trangle?

A right angle triangle has 3 sides as does all other types of triangles.

What type of trangle has all three sides same length?

Equilateral is the name of a triangle with all three sides equal.

What sort of trangle has two equal sides and two equal angles?

Isosceles triangle.

What is the fire trangle?

the fire trangle is the trangle that is on fire

How many degrees are in a trangle?