ancient egyptians' obelisks had 4 sides, like the one in Washington DC, but it can differ.
A pyramid is a squared cone structure having four sides. An obelisk is a tall, two sided structure having inscriptions in Egyptian hieroglyphics on it. An obelisk is the equivalent today of a highway billboard.
I don't know who constructed the obelisk because you are not asking specifically WHICH obelisk. There are many obelisks in the world to choose from.
240 steps
Three possible objects an obelisk, a statue usually of the Pharaoh and of a god who always seemed to look like the Pharaoh.
The Washington Monument is a fine example of an obelisk. Just look at that obelisk!
hexagonal obelisk
Obelisk is a noun.
Several Roman emperors had obelisks brought to Rome from Egypt. Augustus brought two obelisks, the Flaminian Obelisk and Solar Obelisk, from Heliopolis in 10 BC Caligula brought the the Vatican Obelisk in 40 AD. It had been brought from Karnak to Alexandria of Egypt by Augustus in 30-28 BC The Piazza Navona Obelisk was brought from Sais by Domitian The Pincian Obelisk was brought by Hadrian The Minervan pair of obelisks were brought by Diocletian The Lateranense Obelisk was brought from Amun by Constantius II The Matteian Obelisk was unearthed in the 14th century, the Macutean Obelisk in 1373 Dogali Obelisk in 1833. We do not know who brought them to Rome
Wychbury Obelisk was created in 1758.
Obelisk International was created in 2006.