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It is: 360/15 = 24 sides

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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Q: How many sides has a regular polygon if the measure of each exterior angle is 15 degree?
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If a regular polygon has exterior angles that measure 60 degree each how many sides does the polygon have?

It has 360/60 = 6 sides

How do you find the measure of one exterior angle of a 15-gon?

remember this formula for the number of sides = n sum of internal angles of a regular polygon = [2x(n-2)x90 degree] each interior angle of a regular polygon = [2x(n-2)x90 degree]/n each exterior angle of a regular polygon = 360 degree/n for your question: each exterior angle of a 15 sided regular polygon = 360 degree/15 = 24 degree

How many sides does a regular polygon have if the measure of an exterior angle as 24 degree?

It is: 360/24 = 15 sides

How many sides has a regular polygon if the measure of each exterior angle is 10 degree?

It is: 360/10 = 36 sides

How many sides has a regular polygon if the measure of each exterior angle is 20 degree?

It is: 360/20 = 18 sides

How many sides does a regular polygon have if the measure of an angle is 1?

If you mean the exterior angle of 1 degree then it will have 360 sides.

How many sides has a regular polygon if the measure of each exterior angle is 18 degree?

It is: 360/18 = 20 sides

How many sides has a regular polygon if the measure of each exterior angle is 40 degree?

It is: 360/40 = 9 sides

How many sides does a regular polygon have if the measure of an exterior angle is 165 degree?

There is no such polygon but if you meant an interior angle of 165 then it will have 360/15 = 24 sides

How many sides has a regular polygon if the measure of each exterior angle is 90 degree?

It is: 360/90 = 4 sides and it is a square

What is the measure of an exterior angle of a regular 7-sided polygon . Round to the nearest tenth of a degree.?

Each exterior is 360/7 = 51.4 degrees to the nearest tenth

What is the lowest degree an exterior angle on a regular polygon can have?

5 degrees.