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a parallelogram has 2 slanted sides and 2 straight sides

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Q: How many sides of symmetry does a parallelogram have?
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How many lines of symmetry does a paraelleogram have?

A parallelogram need have no lines of symmetry.

Who many rotational symmetry does a parallelogram have?

A parallelogram has a rotational symmetry of 2!

What 2d shape has 4 sides with no lines of symmetry?

A parallelogram

What quadrilateral has opposite sides parallel but no lines of symmetry?

This is a parallelogram.

No lines of symmetry four sides opposites sides equal and parallel?

The shape has to be a parallelogram since it has no lines of symmetry and all sides are equal and parallel

How many rotational symmetry does a parallelogram have?

A general parallelogram has rotational symmetry of order two.

What is a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of opposite equal sides and no lines of symmetry?

A parallelogram.

How many axes of symmetry does a parallelogram have?

It depends what type of parallelogram it is.

How many lines of symmetry does a parallelogram have have?

Some people say a parallelogram does have a line of symmetry because it looks like a rhombus but the truth is that a parallelogram does not have a line of symmetry because if you take paper and fold it in any way in a shape of a parallelogram so a parallelogram does not have a line of symmetry

Are there bilateral symmetry in a parallelogram?

A Parallelogram has no bilateral symmetry

If a trapezoid has rotational symmetry what is the angle of rotation?

A "pure" trapezoid (a pair of parallel sides and two random sides) does not have rotational symmetry. If it is a parallelogram then it has a 180 degree symmetry. And if the paralloelogram happens to be a square, you have 90 deg symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry in a parrallelogram?

There are 0 lines of symmetry in a parallelogram.