What does the road sign yield mean?
Let's identify first what a Yield sign is. The Yield sign is the
only sign on the road (US) that is in the shape of a upside-down
triangle with rounded corners, similarly to the stop sign, the stop
sign is the only sign on the road that's in the shape of a octagon
(has 8 sides).
You'll usually see a Yield sign at an intersection, for instance
traffic circles. You're not required to stop at the yield sign but
you can if you have too to give way to traffic that doesn't have to
stop period. Yield signs are not a sign that you blow through. The
yield sign means that "You're not required to stop, but you don't
have the right-of-way at this intersection." The yield sign is also
less restrictive than the stop sign, you still have to give the
right-of-way to other traffic, but you're not required to stop at a
yield sign.