7 sigfigs
It has 4. Every 0 after a decimal and after a significant digit is significant.
There are 3 sigfigs in 100. because there is a decimal after the second zero, indicating that the units digit matters. If there is no decimal place, then the zeros are considered place holders and thus would be 1 sig fig only. But since there is a decimal, the former is true.
Scientific notation is useful because it helps to read values' significant figures (sigfigs). For example, the number: 6.02^(-10) is much easier to read than .000000000602. When dealing with especially large or small quantities, scientific notation makes it easier to understand how big or small the quantity is.
When it comes to metric length conversions, there is only one scale to remember. "One inch equals 2.54 centimeters." Learn it. It is not rounded off or estimated. It is like there being 12" in a foot or 100cm in a meter. It is exact. With that knowledge, convert mm to cm and get 5.7cm 5.7 / 2.54 = 2.2" to 2 sigfigs◄ Also, using this fact as a springboard, you can determine the US units of size of a cube holding 1 liter of water by knowing that a liter is in a box 10cm on a side, and weighs 1kg All three major scales can be computed from just the simple fact that 1" = 2.54cm■
if you write it as 1200. (with the decimal) it will have 4 sigfigs.. or it can have 2 sigfigs (12) - im trying to get 3 sigfigs.. that's my hw but i cant get it yet
7 sigfigs
5 of them.
It has 4. Every 0 after a decimal and after a significant digit is significant.
you'll notice that there is a decimal, and a zero after the decimal, meaning that the number of sigfigs equals the number of digits: 8
The first calculation has 3 significant figures as all numbers included in the calculation are whole numbers. For the second calculation, since there are only 3 significant figures in 10400mi and 328102hr, the answer should have 3 significant figures as well.
2. The 6 and the 3 are both sigfigs. Since there's no decimal point, the other zeros are placeholders and therefore not important.
There are 3 sigfigs in 100. because there is a decimal after the second zero, indicating that the units digit matters. If there is no decimal place, then the zeros are considered place holders and thus would be 1 sig fig only. But since there is a decimal, the former is true.
two. Here are some rules for determining sigfigs:Digits from 1-9 are always significant.Zeros between two other significant figures are always significantOne or more additional zeros to the right of both the decimal place and another significant figure are significant.Zeros used solely for spacing the decimal point (placeholders) are not significant.eg.NUMBER SIG FIGS EXPLANATION453 kg3All non-zero digits are always significant.5057 L4Zeros between 2 sigfigs are significant.5.003Additional zeros to the right of decimal and a sigfigs are significant.0.0071Placeholders are not significant
4mm / (1.54mm/us) = 1 sound wave every 2.5974us. 1,000,000us per second. 1,000,000/2.5974 = [385,000Hz] With proper sigfigs = 4 x 10^5 (if the values given here are exact)
Scientific notation is useful because it helps to read values' significant figures (sigfigs). For example, the number: 6.02^(-10) is much easier to read than .000000000602. When dealing with especially large or small quantities, scientific notation makes it easier to understand how big or small the quantity is.