This number has only one significant digit: If a number does not contain an explicit decimal point, zeros to the immediate left of the implied decimal point at the end are not significant, because they are required to indicate the magnitude of the number. Therefore, the number 40000000 should preferably be written as 4 X 107.
One - the zeros are placeholders unless indicated.
There is one significant figure (which I assume you are referring to).However there are 7 digits involved, of which all are significant. Each digit is important and special in its own right. None should be singled out as being different, as that is Digitist.* * * * *Leaving aside the political correctness of the anti-digitism, the number of significant digits depends on the context. In the above example, if it is known that the number is not 3,999,999 nor 4,000,001 then all seven digits are significant. If it is known that the number is 4,000 thousand (not 3,999 thousand or 4,001 thousand) then there are 4 sig digs.
8 digits
Two of them and they are 1 and 5
200,000,000 9 digits.
Just the one and it is 4
4000000/1000 = 4000
One - the zeros are placeholders unless indicated.
Routing Number: 9 Digits Account Number: Depends on Bank
4000000 minutes = 6666,66... hours = 2777.77... days
Answer: 4000000 m² = 4 km²
How many digits in a fed referemce number?
Five digits.
The number 184 consists of 3 digits.
There is one significant figure (which I assume you are referring to).However there are 7 digits involved, of which all are significant. Each digit is important and special in its own right. None should be singled out as being different, as that is Digitist.* * * * *Leaving aside the political correctness of the anti-digitism, the number of significant digits depends on the context. In the above example, if it is known that the number is not 3,999,999 nor 4,000,001 then all seven digits are significant. If it is known that the number is 4,000 thousand (not 3,999 thousand or 4,001 thousand) then there are 4 sig digs.