.52 milliseconds is equal to .00052 seconds.
That would be .00052
nitrogen makes up 71% of the air and oxygen makes up 21% of the air and the other 1 percent are argon with 0.93 % carbon dioxide with .038% neon with .0018% helium with .00052% methane with .00015% krypton with .00011% and hydrogen with .00005%
nitrogen makes up 71% of the air and oxygen makes up 21% of the air and the other 1 percent are argon with 0.93 % carbon dioxide with .038% neon with .0018% helium with .00052% methane with .00015% krypton with .00011% and hydrogen with .00005%
For every 1 Colombian peso there is an exchange of .00052 US Dollar. An example would be, Suzy has 10 pesos and will need 100 USD to fly. She'd have to save about 1922.50 pesos to purchase a ticket.