You can't 830 is a number.
830 of them.
To simplify the number 830, we need to find the greatest common factor (GCF) between 830 and any other number. In this case, the number 830 is already in its simplest form because it cannot be divided evenly by any other number except 1 and itself. Therefore, 830 in simplest form remains as 830.
As a number it is: 830,000,000
Significant numbers by definition do not include leading or trailing zeros which merely serve to show the scale of a number. Thus 83,000 and 83,000,000 and 830 all have the same number of significant numbers, 2. The two significant numbers are 8 and 3. * * * * * Clarification: Trailing 0s AFTER the decimal point DO count unless they are there purely for conventional reasons (for example, two decimal places in most currencies). Such trailing 0s are indications of the precision of the number. So, for example, 0.83 has 2 significant figures but 0.830 and 8.30 have 3 while 8.300 or 0.00008300 have 4.
You can't 830 is a number.
830 of them.
About 515.7 miles are in 830 km
As a number it is: 830,000,000
830 kilometers=83,000,000 centimeters
There are 100 centimetres in one metre. Therefore, 830 centimetres is equal to 830/100 = 8.3 metres.
There are 1000 metres in one kilometre. Therefore, 830 metres is equal to 830/1000 = 0.83 kilometres.
There are 1000 milligrams in one gram. Therefore, 830 milligrams is equal to 830/1000 = 0.83 grams.
It is 1-407-830-4040
830 milliamps is equal to 0.83 amps.