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Q: How many significant figures are there 223.4 7.5?
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What is the number significant figures of 75 percent?

2 of them.

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How many miles are there in 75 meters?

There are 1609.344 metres in one mile. Therefore, rounded to three significant figures, 75 metres is equal to 75/1609.344 = 0.0466 miles.

How would you round 48 plus 27?

It is common practice to round to the item with the lowest number of significant figures in a math problem. 48 + 27 = 75 All of the items have two significant digits, therefore the answer stays 75.

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The density is 75 g/54 cm^3 = 1.4 g/cm^3, rounded to two significant figures.

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The mass number of arsenic is 75, as it is the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an arsenic atom.

Which of the following temperatures is most precise 75 degrees 980 degrees 30 degress 45.5 degress?

45.5 degrees would be the most precise, since it has 3 significant figures. All the other values have only 2 significant figures, including 980 (the final zero is NOT significant), or 1 significant figure (30 degrees).

What is 75 percent of 1378 dollars?

To find 75 percent of a value, multiply the value by 0.75. In this instance, 0.75 x 1378 = 1033.5. Don't forget to round the value to two significant figures, thus: $1033.50.

How many kilometers is equivalent to 75 miles?

1.2 * 102 (scientific notation, two significant figures)120 (rounded off to two significant figures)120.7008 (seven significant figures)The ratio between kilometers and miles is 1mile=1,604 kilometers / 1 kilometer=0,6234 miles (aproximated). To make it simple if you want to convert miles in kilometers just multiply your distance in miles by 1,6. If you want to convert kilometers in miles just dived your distance in kilometers by 1,6. This will not give you the exact value but it will be very close. 75miles=120,3kilometers

What is a equation for the speed limit 75 kph in mph?

To convert 75 kilometers per hour (kph) to miles per hour (mph), you can use the conversion factor 1 kph = 0.621371 mph. Therefore, the equation would be 75 kph * 0.621371 = 46.6 mph.

How do you write 75 billion in numbers?

Expressed in figures, this is equal to 7,500,000,000.

How many inches are there in 75 millimetres?

There are 25.4 millimetres in one inch. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 75 millimetres is equal to 75/25.4 = 2.95 inches.