3 significant figures.
123 + 456 + 7890 = 8469
12,000,000 - 6 zeros :) 123 456
Rounding just the solution to the nearest thousand, 123 + 456 is approximately equal to 1000.
Add as many zeroes to the right as there are digits to the right of the decimal point. Eg 123 divided by 4.56 becomes 12300 divided by 456...
3 significant figures.
Three - all non-zero numbers are significant.
123 x 456 = 56,088
123 + 456 = 579
123 + 456 + 7890 = 8469
456 + 789 + 123 + 123456789 = 123458157
12,000,000 - 6 zeros :) 123 456
Three - all nonzero digits are significant.
Three. All nonzero digits are significant.
To find out how many times 70 goes into 456, you would divide 456 by 70. The result is approximately 6.514285714, which means that 70 goes into 456 about 6.514285714 times. Since you can't have a fraction of a division, you would round down to get the whole number of times 70 goes into 456, which is 6 times.
Rounding just the solution to the nearest thousand, 123 + 456 is approximately equal to 1000.