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Q: How many significant figures in 4.00 10-3?
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How many significant figures are in .400?

1 of them.

How significant figures are in the quantity 400 m?

1 of them.

How do you round off of 361?

That depends to what number of figures you are rounding to. Rounded to one significant figure, 361 is approximately equal to 400. Rounded to two significant figures, this is equal to 360.

What is an example for significant figures?

Significant figures are important for science, they tell how certain you are of a certain value. The rules for significant figures are as follows: If it is a decimal number, look at the first number on the left. If it is not zero, start counting the amount of numbers, and that's how many significant figures you have. For example, 7.495 has 4 significant figures. If it is zero, keep going until there is digit larger than zero, and start counting the numbers until the end. However many numbers there are, that's how many significant figures you have. For example, 0.000331 has 3 significant figures. If the number does not have a decimal, start from the right and if the number is not zero, start counting numbers and that's how many significant figures you have. For example, 93847 has 5 significant figures. If it is zero, the first significant figure will be the first non-zero digit. For example 3873000 has 4 significant figures. When you add or subtract some numbers, the amount of significant figures the answer should be expressed in depends on the number with the least amount of decimal places. For example, 4.398 + 5.2 = 9.6 You express the answer to the lowest number of decimal places a value you are adding or subtracting has. When you multiply or divide numbers, the answer is expressed to the lowest amount of significant figures that the values have. For example: 55 x 7 = 400 (when expressed with correct significant figures)

Is 400 a significant number?

400 is a significant number because it is a square number as 20*20 = 400

Related questions

How many significant figures are in the quantity 400 m?

Just one.

How many significant figures are in .400?

1 of them.

What will be the significant figures if you multiply 400 times 185?

When multiplying numbers, the result should have the same number of significant figures as the original number with the fewest significant figures. In this case, 400 has one significant figure, and 185 has three significant figures. Therefore, the result of multiplying 400 by 185 will have one significant figure. The answer would be 70,000.

How significant figures are in the quantity 400 m?

1 of them.

How do you round 1764.9 to 3 significant figures?


How many significant figures in 400 mm?

both 40 and 400 have one because there is no "." the 0.7000 has four SF because you know that the first three digits after the seven are exact while the last zero could be rounded. the concept is a little tough to get but once you do its pretty simple.

How do you round off of 361?

That depends to what number of figures you are rounding to. Rounded to one significant figure, 361 is approximately equal to 400. Rounded to two significant figures, this is equal to 360.

What is an example for significant figures?

Significant figures are important for science, they tell how certain you are of a certain value. The rules for significant figures are as follows: If it is a decimal number, look at the first number on the left. If it is not zero, start counting the amount of numbers, and that's how many significant figures you have. For example, 7.495 has 4 significant figures. If it is zero, keep going until there is digit larger than zero, and start counting the numbers until the end. However many numbers there are, that's how many significant figures you have. For example, 0.000331 has 3 significant figures. If the number does not have a decimal, start from the right and if the number is not zero, start counting numbers and that's how many significant figures you have. For example, 93847 has 5 significant figures. If it is zero, the first significant figure will be the first non-zero digit. For example 3873000 has 4 significant figures. When you add or subtract some numbers, the amount of significant figures the answer should be expressed in depends on the number with the least amount of decimal places. For example, 4.398 + 5.2 = 9.6 You express the answer to the lowest number of decimal places a value you are adding or subtracting has. When you multiply or divide numbers, the answer is expressed to the lowest amount of significant figures that the values have. For example: 55 x 7 = 400 (when expressed with correct significant figures)

What is the different between MT 103 and MT 400?

MT 103 and MT 400 are different types of bank transfers. The MT 400 is an advice of payment, and the 103 is a single customer credit transfer.

How many figures are in the 'people holding flowers artwork'?

dont worry, i have just research more and have found the answer. there are 400 figures :)

Is 400 a significant number?

400 is a significant number because it is a square number as 20*20 = 400

What is the rule about significant figures?

The rule for significant figures is that all non-zero digits are considered significant. Zeros between non-zero digits are significant, as well as trailing zeros after a decimal point. Leading zeros (zeros to the left of the first non-zero digit) are not considered significant.