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For most of the period of their use (around 3,000 years) there were less than a thousand signs in general use - only about 700 during the Middle Kingdom, when most texts were produced (and some of those 700 were quite rarely used).

In the Late Period the number of signs increased dramatically to over 6,000, many being alternative forms. The writing system was deliberately made complex and difficult under Greek and Roman rule - there were then at least 25 different signs with the sound value m, while a single sign could have up to 8 different readings.

So the answer to your question is: it depends on the specific time period.

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Q: How many signs are there in hieroglyphics?
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Hieroglyphics is a form of writing that uses signs and symbols and was used by ancient Egyptians.

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hieroglyphics, solar signs and ink paintings.

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hieroglyphics can be considered many things, including any of the following:complexbeautifulartisticdifficultchallengingdistincthistoricalancientEgyptian

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Many people know about hieroglyphics. In fact, many people can read them.

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To read hieroglyphics, you need to understand the symbols and what they represent. Hieroglyphics are a combination of phonetic signs, ideograms, and determinatives. It helps to use resources like dictionaries or guides to translate and decipher the symbols. Practice and familiarity with the script will also improve your ability to read hieroglyphics.

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Hieroglyphics. These were used by both Mayan and Aztec civilizations but are no longer in use.

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Jean-François Champollion cracked the meaning of hieroglyphics.

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No, but they used something similar to it though.

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