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Q: How many soda can cases can fit 20foot container?
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Related questions

Why does soda burst?

Soda can burst when the pressure inside the container exceeds its capacity. This can happen if the container is exposed to extreme temperatures, shaken vigorously, or if it's faulty. When the pressure builds up, the container can rupture, causing the soda to burst out.

How do the bubbles in soda affect the mass?

they don't if in a sealed container

What unit of measure in the metric system would you use to measure the volume of a soda container?

You would use liters (L) to measure the volume of a soda container in the metric system.

How do you neutralize the tannic acid in an oak container?

To neutralize tannic acid in an oak container, you can wash the container with a baking soda solution followed by rinsing with water. Alternatively, you can fill the container with a mixture of water and baking soda and let it sit for a few hours before rinsing thoroughly.

Does crush orange soda have caffeine?

Orange Crush is a type of soda that is made by PepsiCo. Orange Crush does not have caffeine in it. It is printed on the outside of the container, no caffeine.

How do you get clove spice smell out of container?

try baking soda with vinegar for a soak.

How many liters in 1 container?

How many liters are in one container is dependent on the size of the container. If the container size is known liter cans be determined.

How much shaking would you have to do a can of soda to get it to explode?

Soda contains dissolved carbon dioxide which causes it to bubble, but in a sealed container it stops bubbling when the internal pressure reaches a certain level (increased pressure of carbon dioxide gas will increase its solubility). If you shake a sealed container of soda, this forces more carbon dioxide to bubble out of solution, thereby increasing the pressure. Normally, the sealed container doesn't actually explode, but when you open it, then the soda gets all foamy and comes bubbling out of the container, in a semi-explosive manner.

What type of soda and Mentos will fill a plastic container more?

Diet Coke and mint Mentos

What happens to the container when baking soda and vinegar combine?

The container becomes full of bubbles and becomes hot, the reaction is, NaHCO3 + CH3COOH = CH3COONa + CO2 + H2O + Heat

If there is no bedding how do you care of a newborn mouse?

you can get a febreze swiffer duster head and put it in a soda cardboard container

What is the formula for a science fair volcano?

To create a volcano for a science fair, you will typically need baking soda, vinegar, dish soap, food coloring, water, a container (such as a plastic bottle), and cardboard or paper mache for shaping the volcano structure. Mix the baking soda, vinegar, dish soap, and food coloring in the container, then add water to create the eruption. Cover the container with the cardboard or paper mache to form the volcano shape.