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NOT sq ft

1yd concrete is 27 cubic ft

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Q: How many sq ft in a yard of concrete?
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How many square feet will a yard of concrete cover 6 inches thick?

6 inches is 1/6 of a yard, so a cubic yard of concrete will cover 6 sq yards = 54 sq ft

How many i need for 360sqf by 3 inch and?

How many sq ft cover whit yard in 1/2 of concrete

How many square feet is in 457 square yard?

9 Sq ft = 1 Sq yard 4113 Sq ft = 457 Sq yard.

How many square yards is 4356 sq ft.?

1 yard = 3 ft so 1 sq yard = 3 ft * 3 ft = 9 sq ft Then 4356 sq ft = 4356/9 = 484 sq yard

2.5 square yard equal to how many square feet?

1 sq yard = 1 yard * 1 yard = 3 ft * 3 ft = 9 sq feet So 2.5 sq yards = 2.5*9 sq ft = 22.5 sq ft.

What is the formula to figure cubic yards of concrete at 8 inches thick?

A pad that is 4 inches think covers 80ish sq ft per yard, so 8 inch would be 40ish sq ft per yard of concrete

1 sq yard equals to how many sq feet?

9 square feet in one square yard.WORK:1 yard = 3 ft, 1 yard X 1 yard = 1 sq yard, Substitute: 3 ft X 3 ft = 9 sq ft

How many square yard in 1350 sqft?

9 sq ft = 1 sq yard so 1350 sq ft = 1350/9 sq yards = 150 sq yards.

How much concrete is in a yard of concrete?

27 cubic feet okay from 81 sq ft is= 4 inches 54 sg ft is = 6 inches

How many square yards are in 5ft by 30 ft?

5X30=150sq. ft. 150 sq. ft. / 9 sq. ft./sq. yard = 16.7 sq. yards

If you pour 85 yards of concrete 4 inches thick how many sq ft is that?

one (1) cubic yard of concrete four inches thick will cover 80 sq. feet. 85 yards x 81 = 6885 sq. feet.

How many sq ft are in 4square yards?

a yard is 3 feet and a square yard is 3 x 3 = 9 sq ft 4 sq yds = 4 x 9 = 36 sq ft