One on-line source that I discovered during an exhaustive search lists the
area of Tasmania as 35,041.9 square miles.
Whether or not that figure is accurate ... and I have neither cause nor desire
to dispute it ... it is the equivalent of 976,912,104,960square feet.
The area of Western Australia is 2,525,500 sq km, while the area of Tasmania is 64 519 sq km.Therefore, Western Australia is 2,460,981 sq km largerthan Tasmania, or 39 times larger.
Australia's island state of Tasmania has a mainland area of 64 519 sq km. As a comparison, Tasmania would fit into New Zealand four times.
According to the Geoscience Australia website, the area of mainland Australia and Tasmania is 7 659 861 sq km. This is equal to 2 957 488 sq mi.
No. New Zealand has an area of 268 680 sq km, while Australia's island state of Tasmania has an area of 64 519 sq km. Tasmania would fit into New Zealand four times.
Tasmania is Australia's island state and is the largest island in Australian waters. Tasmania has a land area of 67,800 sq km
The two smallest states in Australia are Tasmania and Victoria. The mainland area of Tasmania is 64 519 sq km while Victoria has a mainland area of 227 010 sq km. The Australian Capital Territory is smaller, but it is a territory, not a state.
1076.391042 sq. ft.
19681.81 sq ft
5220.5 sq ft
32 sq. ft.
1 sq yd are in 9 sq ft
3 sq yards = 3*9 sq ft = 27 sq ft