It depends on where you are. Officially, in India 1.07169 seer = 1 kg and is used for things like grain. In Iran it is much smaller, 13.47345 sihr = 1 kg, and is used for measurement of small quantities such as spices. Sweetcorcoran
I looked it up and it doesn't have a meaning. Then again i only looked once?!
No. You at least need a 3.5 to 4 ton.
There are many. Sober: Robes Others: Throes (Yes, throes is a word. Also, other: throe) Seer: Sere (Possible technical problem with this one) Onset: Stone Reset: Steer, or Stere Recut: Truce Streak: Staker Amble: Blame Corpse: Scoper
God assembled his bible at around 70 AD. don't listen to the catholic church, they don't believe in the awesome power of God to speak the universe into existence and His ability to assemble his word into a book all by Himself without our help. In short there is not one word missing from the original greek and Hebrew bibleBy definition if they are missing they are not in the bible. Plus I am sure whoever compiled the bible he, she or they did need additional help.Answer:Many people have tried to put together a "proper "version of the bible. Books added to or subtracted from someone else's version are regarded as "Missing" or "unneeded" and sometimes heretical.A common example is the Apocrypha (from the Greek word ἀπόκρυφος meaning hidden), which are books (like Bel and the Dragon) published in an edition of the Bible in a third section of the Bible apart from the Old and New Testaments. In some editions they are omitted entirely. Other "hidden" books include the Gospel of Thomas and other Pseudepigrapha. These were more common in the middle ages and tended to be accounts of the early life of the Christian's Jesus.Actually there are many books missing from the Bibles most read today, which the Bible does give reference to, here are some for you to look up:NAMES OF SO CALLED LOST BOOKS OF THE BIBLE & THEIR REFERENCES WITHIN THE BIBLE WE READ TODAY!1. "THE BOOK OF ENOCH!" Read: Jude Enoch2. "THE BOOK OF JASHER!" Read: Joshua 10:12-13, 2 Samuel 1:18. "THE BOOK OF SAMUEL THE SEER!"4. "THE BOOK OF NATHAN THE PROPHET!"5. "THE BOOK OF GAD THE SEER!" All three, Read:Read: 2 Chronicles 29:29-30.6. "THE PROPHECY OF AHIJAH THE SHILONTE!"7. "THE VISIONS OF IDDO THE SEER!" For both, read: 2 Chronicles 9:29. For IDDO Read: 2 Chronicles13:22.& 12:15.8. "THE BOOK OF SHEMAIAH THE PROPHET!" Read: 2 Chronicles 12:15. (Not to be confused with theFalse Prophet who tried to discredit Nehemiah, Nehemiah 10:6!)9. "THE BOOK OF THE KINGS OF ISRAEL!" Read: 2 Chronicles 33:18.10. "THE ACTS OF SOLOMON!" Read: 1Kings 11:41.There are More, yet I wanted to give you the 10 I have got thus far! I tell you the truth, when one seriously ask the Father in Heaven through Prayer,For wisdom-Knowledge and UNDERSTANDING of his written words And with help in applying them to ones Life, surly it will be given to you! The question is... "CAN YOU HANDEL THE TRUTH!?"One must keep in mind that in the eyes of these early translators, it is evident that Scripture did not determine what "Dogma" was considered Canon. Yet "Dogma" determined what Scriptures was "CANON." I am so tired of hearing that these Books were removed because Certain men of Scripture intelligence decided to remove them and justify their actions with their reasons of such deceptive acts!!remember what Scripture said in Rev 22:18-19!!! Pertaining to Adding and Removing!!
I just had a 15 SEER Ruud Heat Pump installed. It says, 'Made in Mexico' on back of unit.
What's your name?
Rex, the seer. :)
otra vez yo kuleros, votense a la vergaois... se me salio lo ingles, pendejos...
SEER acronym is ?
The Seer - novel - has 248 pages.
The Seer of Shadows has 202 pages.
Far-Seer has 313 pages.
This is a 3.0 ton 10 SEER package unit with gas heat.
According to the Goodman Mfg. website, this model is a 10 seer.