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Q: How many sq ft will one ton of salt cover in a parking lot?
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Does your insurance cover you hit a parking lot?

It should.

How many handicap spots are there in as parking lot?

It depends on the size of a parking lot(=

How many levels are in parking lot 3?

There are 20 levels in parking lot 3 and also for paking lot 2 and parking lot has 15

Does parking lot cover anything if your car was stolen?

Nope, They don't cover anything. They should though...

Does your insurance cover if you bumped into a car in a parking lot?

yes if you have collision coverage.

How many cars can the Pentagon Parking lot hold?

It has 8 thousand parking spaces.

How many levels are in parking lot?

There are 15 levels!

How many parking spots are there at the Magic Kingdom?

The parking lot has a maximum capacity for 75,000 cars.

How many acres of parking are at the Pentagon?

The Pentagon has a total parking lot area of 67 acres.

Whose insurance would cover a parking lot hit and run if the car was borrowed?

The person that the vehicle belongs to.

How much rock salt is needed to deice a 200x300 parking lot?

It is recommended to use about 50 pounds of rock salt per 1,000 square feet for deicing purposes. Therefore, for a 200x300 parking lot (60,000 square feet), you would need approximately 3,000 pounds (1.5 tons) of rock salt to effectively deice the entire area.

Whats the best game to play?

a car game named Parking Lot and Parking Lot 2 search for Parking Lot or Parking Lot 2