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86,939 square miles

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Q: How many sq miles is Minnesota?
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Related questions

How many squar miles are in Minnesota?

86,939 sq. mi.

How many square miles does MN have?

Minnesota has an area of 86,943 sq miles (225,181 km²).

How big is Germany compare to Minnesota?

Germany = 137,903 sq miles... Minnesota = 86,936 sq miles. Germany is just over 1.5 times the size of minnesota.

What is the right answer to how big Minnesota si in square miles?

Minnesota is 86,943 sq miles (225,181 km²).

What is area in square miles of Minnesota?

The total area of Minnesota is approximately 86,936 square miles.

What is the size comparison between Cuba and Minnesota?

Cuba is 42,803 sq miles. Minnesota is 86,943 sq miles- a little more than twice as large- and a LOT colder. Yah, sure.

What is minnasota's total square miles?

Minnesota is 79,289 sq mi

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65,795 sq. miles.

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260,558 sq miles