One guntha is equal to 121 square yards, or 121 x 9 = 1089 square feet.
There are 121 square yards in one guntha (also spelled gunta). Link below.
On square meter has 10.76 square feet.
43,650 square feet in one acre.
There are about 10.8 (10.7639104) square feet in one square meter.
1 Acre = 40 1 Guntas = 1089 square feet Defined in square feet ----------------------------- Unit- Square Feet --------------------------- Aankadam - 72.0 Acres - 43,560.4 Ares - 1,076.0 Bigha I - 17,424.0 Bigha II - 27,225.0 Biswa I - 348,480.0 Biswa II - 544,500.0 Cents - 435.5 Chataks - 450.0 Grounds - 2,400.0 Guntha - 1,089.0 Hectares - 107,637.8 Kanal - 107,984.4 Kottah (B) - 720.0 Marla 5,399.2 Perch - 272.3 Rood - 10,892.0 Square Feet - 1.0 Square Metres - 10.8 Square Yards - 9.00
10 meters is equal to 1 guntha
1742.40 Square Feet = 1 Gunta 1 Acre= 25 Guntas 1 Gunta = 4 Cents (Decmil) 43560 Sq. Ft. = 1 Acre
There are 121 square yards in one guntha (also spelled gunta). Link below.
40 gunthas is one acre.
how many gag is there in 396.5 square feet
How many square feet in one
Exactly 1.
One hectare is about 107,639.1 square feet
On square meter has 10.76 square feet.
One square meter equates to 10.76391 square feet.
43,650 square feet in one acre.
One square yard equals nine square feet.