If the 144 and 41 measurements are in feet then there are 5904 square feet.
There are 984 square feet in an area 24' x 41'
441.32 square feetsquare meters x 10.7639 = square feet
There are: pi*20.52 = 1320.254 square feet to 3 decimal places
The square foot area of a 41-foot diameter circle is: 1,320 square feet.
Change the inches into feet and use the area formula for a circle: pi*radius squared
41 acres is 1,785,960 square feet.
41 square meters is 441.32 square feet.
14 feet x 41 feet = 574 square feet (574 ft2)
If they 16 is in inches, this would be 256 square inches per tile. That would cover 10,496 square inches. Divide by 144 and you get 72.89 square feet.
There are 984 square feet in an area 24' x 41'
41 square feet are 3.809025 square meters.
441.32 square feetsquare meters x 10.7639 = square feet
Approximately 73 square feet.
There are: pi*20.52 = 1320.254 square feet to 3 decimal places
41 feet 5 inches x 27 feet = 1,118.25 square feet.
The square foot area of a 41-foot diameter circle is: 1,320 square feet.
Change the inches into feet and use the area formula for a circle: pi*radius squared