144 square feet. Multiply length by width - the result is the area in square feet.
144 square feet. To calculate square feet simply multiply length by width - the result is the area in square feet.
Gee, a square foot is 12x12, difficult problem.
1344. Each tile is a square foot.
Technically, 2.6388888888888 etc. but 3. I'm assuming the brick is 12x12 feet here as that is the only unit you have mentioned...
Multiply width by length to get the area. The answer would be 144 square feet.
144 square feet. To calculate square feet simply multiply length by width - the result is the area in square feet.
Gee, a square foot is 12x12, difficult problem.
You multiply the width by the length to get the area. In this case the answer would be 144 square feet in the room.
Multiply the two dimensions to get the area. The calculation will give you 144 square feet.
The question makes no sense. Square feet measures area. Inches measures length. There are, however, 7.76 square feet in in 1118 square inches. (Divide by 12x12.)
1344. Each tile is a square foot.
A 12x12 inch paver is one square foot. So you would need 240 square feet.
12x12= 144 sqft