78.54 ft2
165 square feet
The answer is 270 square feet.
A total of 160 square feet.
8 feet square is the same as 8 square feet. NOT!8 foot square is 8' x 8' or 64 square feet.
40 square feet. Just multiply length by width - the answer is the square footage.
78.54 ft2
About five (4.975) such boxes.
300 square feet
225 square feet
340 square feet.
There are 217,800 square feet in 5 acres.5 acres x 1 square foot/2.29568411 x 10-5 = 217,800 square feet1 square foot = 2.29568411 × 10-5 acres
108 square feet
1,000 square feet.
165 square feet
The answer is 270 square feet.
A total of 160 square feet.