In Bangladesh, decimal is still used in some places as land measurement. Usually one decimal equals 100 acres and one acre equals 43559.99 square feet. You can now easily convert decimal to square feet!
so 43559.99 square feet times by 100 equals
4355999 square feet in one decimal.
1 decimal equals how many square feet
1236 Sq.feet in 1 biswa at Utter Pradesh
1 yard are 3 feets
How many sft in your ne katha in Siliguri Darjeeling district
1 acre equals 43,560 square feets
There are 3 feet in 1 yard.
1 meter2
1 decimal = 435.6 square feet.
1 kattha =1.65 decimal in jharkhand and 1 decimal = 435.6 square feet. So 1 kattha =718.74 square feet in jharkhand.
3280.93 ft