603,700 square kilometres (233,100 sq mi) and with a coastline of 2,782 kilometres (1,729 mi)
225 square kilometers equates to 2,421,879,750 square feet.
According to the CIA World Factbook, the Ukraine has an area of 603,550 sq km.
Ukraine - 233,090 square miles.
There is one trillionths of one square kilometre in a square millimetre.
129.1km2 is 49.85 square miles.
The total area of Vygoda, Ukraine is approximately 0.04 square kilometers.
The total land area of Ukraine is approximately 603,500 square kilometers.
Ukraine's area is 233,000 square miles (604,000 square kilometers).
Ukraine has a total land area of about 233,000 square miles, which is approximately 603,500 square kilometers. To convert this to square feet, it would be roughly 892,821,500 square feet.
Ukraine has a total area of approximately 603,500 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 603,500,000,000 square meters.
Ukraine is situated in Eastern Europe and is considered the largest country within Europe. It has an area of 603,628 square kilometers.
The area of Ukraine is approximately 603,500 square kilometers.
The area of Uman is 41 square kilometers.
Ukraine,the largest country located completely on the European continent, is bigger, at 603,628 square kilometers.Spain is significantly smaller, at 504,030 square kilometers.
Yes, France is bigger than Ukraine in terms of land area. France is approximately 551,695 square kilometers, while Ukraine is approximately 603,500 square kilometers.
Ukraine is the largest country in Europe by land area, spanning approximately 603,500 square kilometers. It is the 44th largest country in the world.
Ukraine has an area of 603,550 square kilometers, making it the largest country entirely in Europe.