12mtr. x 5mtr. = 60 sq. mtr.
To find the area multiply the length by the width.22 mtr x 4.8 mtr = 105.6 square metres.
0.28 mtr
500 (square meters) = 5,381.95521 square feet.
4.25 cu mtr
12mtr. x 5mtr. = 60 sq. mtr.
Each sheet = 4' x 8' = 32 square feet20 square meters = 215.278 square meters (rounded)20 sq mtr/32 sq ft = 6.727 sheets (rounded)
The conversion goes like this: Area(sq mtr) = L(m) X W(m) . Divide this sq mtr Area by a factor of 1.83 to get running/linear meters. To convert square meters to Linear meters divide the square meters by a factor of 1.83.
To find the area multiply the length by the width.22 mtr x 4.8 mtr = 105.6 square metres.
0.28 mtr
300 meters = 328.08399 yards
Move the Decimal Point 3 places to the left as follows:- 1 CM. sq = .001 Mtr sq 250 CM. sq = .25 Mtr sq 500 CM. sq = .5 Mtr sq 750 Cm. sq = .75Mtrsq 1000 CM.sq = 1 Mtr sq
1000 meters makes one kilometer.