Atlanta is 132.4 square miles.
Atlanta, GA has a total land area of approximately 133.2 square miles.
Atlanta has a large airport entitled the Hartsfield‰ÛÒJackson Atlanta International Airport. This airport encompasses more than two-million square feet.
How many miles is it between atlanta and Calgary
it is 237 miles from Atlanta to Jacksonville
594 miles from Atlanta 594 miles from Atlanta
Raleigh has an area of 144.8 square miles and a population of 403,892. Atlanta has an area of 132.4 square miles and a population of 420,003. That means that Atlanta is smaller in area and larger in population then Raleigh as a City. Atlanta has a Metropolitan population of 5,268,860 and is the 9th largest US city in population. The Atlanta Metropolitan Area covers 8,376 square miles.
how many miles is it from Atlanta Georgia to Augusta Georgia
Bluffton to Atlanta is 270 miles.
about 718 miles
250 miles
There are 4,503 miles.