A square that encloses one acre is about 69.57 yards.
There are 9 square feet in one square yard. Therefore, 9,000 square feet is 1,000 square yards.
1 Acre = 40 1 Guntas = 1089 square feet Defined in square feet ----------------------------- Unit- Square Feet --------------------------- Aankadam - 72.0 Acres - 43,560.4 Ares - 1,076.0 Bigha I - 17,424.0 Bigha II - 27,225.0 Biswa I - 348,480.0 Biswa II - 544,500.0 Cents - 435.5 Chataks - 450.0 Grounds - 2,400.0 Guntha - 1,089.0 Hectares - 107,637.8 Kanal - 107,984.4 Kottah (B) - 720.0 Marla 5,399.2 Perch - 272.3 Rood - 10,892.0 Square Feet - 1.0 Square Metres - 10.8 Square Yards - 9.00
There are 9 square feet in one square yards. Therefore, 18.5 square yards is equal to 18.5 x 9 = 166.5 square feet.
There are 50.4165 square yards in a Punjabi biswa.
1236 Sq.feet in 1 biswa at Utter Pradesh
1600 sq feet samir srivastav
Apparently one biswa is 125 sq. meters, although the biswa appears to differ considerable in different Indian provinces.
One square meter equals 1.196 square yards.
Apparently one biswa is 125 sq. meters, although the biswa appears to differ considerable in different Indian provinces.
One square mile equals 3,097,600 square yards.
There are 1,195,990.05 square yards in one square kilometer.
There are 9 square feet in one square yard. There are 2.22 square yards here.
There are 4,840 square yards in one acre.
42.10 seq. meter